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ICAUS 2022 – USEPE presentation and workshops

USEPE presenting the potential separation methods to ensure the safety of drone operations in urban environments!

ICUAS ’22 is a four-day event, starting with workshops and tutorials on Tuesday 21st. This is followed
with a rich technical program, including four Keynote talks both from the Industry and Academia

Do not hesitate to take closer look at the program – here!

ICUAS ’22 is organized in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The three-day conference is
preceded by a one-day Workshops/Tutorials program, which is composed of seven (7) Tutorials /

As in previous years, conference participants represent academia, industry, government agencies,
lawyers, policy makers, manufacturers, students, and end-users, all having deep interest in the state-of-the-art and future directions in unmanned aircraft systems.

Authors of submitted papers used among the following key words to classify their papers: Aerial Robotic Manipulation, Air Vehicle Operations, Airspace Control, Airspace Management, Airworthiness, Autonomy, Biologically Inspired UAS, Certification, Control Architectures, Energy Efficient UAS, Environmental Issues, Fail-Safe Systems, Frequency Management, Integration, Interoperability, Levels of Safety, Manned/Unmanned Aviation, Micro- and Mini- UAS, Multirotor Design and Control, Navigation, Networked Swarms, Path Planning, Payloads, Perception and Cognition, Regulations, Reliability of UAS, Risk Analysis, Security, See-and-avoid Systems, Sensor Fusion, Simulation, Smart Sensors, Standardization, Swarms, Technology Challenges, Training, UAS Applications, UAS Communications, UAS Testbeds.


  • TUESDAY, JUNE 21: Workshop/Tutorial Registration only 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
    Conference Registration 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
  • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • THURSDAY, JUNE 23: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • FRIDAY, JUNE 24: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

In-detail program – here!