USEPE partners are very happy to announce that the Deliverable 3.3-USEPE Consolidated Concept of Operations is now available.
This report is deliverable 3.3 of USEPE, where the USEPE Consolidated Concept of Operations is elaborated. It is based on the D3.2 USEPE Initial Concept of Operations, the development of the design concept done in WP4, and results from the simulation and validation campaign carried out in WP5.
In addition, insights gathered while participating in a workshop organised by CORUS XUAM have been taken into account whenever it was appropriated.
Finally, the consolidated conecpt of operations was refined after the Final Maturity Gate with SJU that happened online on 16.12.22.
To read and download the deliverable –D3.3-USEPE Consolidated Concept of Operations-v00.01.00