Almost two weeks ago now, USEPE organised a common workshop with other EU-funded projects on urban air mobility. Designed for cities and other interested stakeholders in the Nordic countries, this workshop had three objectives: catch the audience attention, explain basic aspects of the the topic, elaborate on the on-going research and experimentation supporting the development of air mobility over cities.
Attended by around 30 participants from national and Nordic local authorities, air navigation authorities, digital service providers, manufacturers, and universities, the workshop can be considered a great success. Presentations were both attractive – from the allusion to common appealing cultural references to the emotive story-telling of an emergency drone use case – and enlightening, diving into technical concepts with simple and illustrative explanations.
The session was very interactive, with multiple questions coming from the audience. Each presentation supported quick and nice discussions, raising relevant points for further work and underlining the relevance and objectives of currently conducted activities.
The workshop started with a demonstration of the first cross-border electric drone flight in the Norwegian and Swedish deep winter, showing the testing capacities of the Green Flyway project. Then, the drone management methods, risks and opportunities were explained in the framework of the USEPE activities. After that, the combination of planning and demonstrations of air mobility management were presented with the TindAir project. Finally, a focus was made on the emergency drones’ use case with the AiRMOUR story and discussion.
Though time was short, some discussions went on after the end of the workshop. Networking proved efficient, and we hope it will enable nice cooperations and follow-up in the near future!
We would like to thank all the participants and presenters of the session, and look forward to future opportunities to work together for a most suited urban air mobility.
You can find the presentations at the following links:
Introduction and The Green Flyway project presentation
Do not hesitate to reach out for any question or to dive deeper into specific aspects of this workshop.
… And stay tuned for our future events!!